BMS Development => Bug Reports => Topic started by: Nizmo on November 28, 2014, 12:43:07 PM
We have released the cockpit of the F-14B to developers in its ALPHA state.
This is to give you the representation of the overall structure and feel, but in no way represents the final build.
The F-14B release will take place in TBD time-frame. Many factors could speed up our process, specifically the amount of feedback received.
Known bugs still include
-RPM Tape FTIT, and Fuel Flow Tape INOP
-2nd switch state of lights removes face of Speed Indicator/Mach Wheel, and Alt Faces.
-Some Texture problems on some detail parts.
Fixed 3D buttons.dat
All switches have correct click boxes.
Please re-download and re-run update_3dbuttons in the installer.
2 Updates in the Same Day!!
Please re-Download and re-run the following installer modules:
Cant click anything on the MFDs
Cant click anything on the MFDs
Thanks, Known Issue. OSB Buttons will be made as of this post Sunday.
Ill provide an update for the 3d_buttons.
Having tested the F-14's pit, here's 2 notices :
- In my opinion, reflections rendering is a little bit too strong on central MFD and on flight gauges.
- Red numbers on the front weapon state panel are unreadable (under normal zoom FOV)
all feedback taken, I have implemented most of your suggestions.
Keep them coming. AS of 12/1/14 there should be a Major Update to v2.01 F-14B tonight (EST)
all feedback taken, I have implemented most of your suggestions.
Keep them coming. AS of 12/1/14 there should be a Major Update to v2.01 F-14B tonight (EST)
Looking forward to it! I hope the MFD buttons are implemented ;D
They are!
Download is up!
You glorious bastard! ;D
Edit: I still have no sound apart from the afterburner and various cockpit bells 8)
Edit #2: Just read your post that Stingray is working on it.
Hopefully will have a sound fix for you shortly.
Thanks for the compliments!
Just letting you know the plane still rolls slowly to the left when Phoenixs are mounted center-line.
Just letting you know the plane still rolls slowly to the left when Phoenixs are mounted center-line.
Yes, I noticed this as well.
The new model will have the Pheonix fixed. There will be an new Pheonix model.
Just a note, the AOA indexer and the SWEEP WING indexer should be swapped in position. AOA is on the left and SWEEP to the right.
Very nice work!
copy that.
You are right!
Next update.
There will be an update for the F-14B very soon to include the External Model and its textures, as well as a possible cockpit update at the same time.
Of course, I have modeled the Fuel Tanks, Pylons, and weapons, so all of this will be addressed in the update. Thanks everyone!
I ran into a bit of trouble using the 2.02 install. If you install everything the game will not load. I reverted to try to trouble shoot. I installed each part and ran the game the game. I found that the failure to load the game only happens after installing the copy 3dbuttons. I was able to reproduce in all attempts. I can post a copy of the crash report if you would like as well.
ok thanks. In version 2.02 I added the to the installer the Flight Models.
Try to only update the models and textures and copy the 3dckpit.dat and 3dbuttons.dat to the art/cktpart folder.
Then a=copy the F14.Dat and F14_afm.dat to the acdata folder.
Ill see whats up with the installer, thanks.
Noticed something else as well. Your view with NODs is locked to center of the pit. Everything works normally until you switch the NODs on.
what do you mean NODs?
Sorry Army term for night vision. Night Optical Device is what it stands for.
Copy that. concerning the F-14 and F-15 there is a major update coming that will fix many issues regarding lighting.
My issues with hdv3 led me to isolate the issue with the NVGs. It appears to multi-sampling related. With multi-sampling on I get 20 degrees of movement, with multi-sampling off it works normal. I seems to effect the F-14, F-15, and F-5. The F-22 worked normally with multi on or off.
Good to know.
As it is now useful info, All models were tested with multi-sampling off. The GFX cards themselves do this and is not required for BMS to software hack the multi-sampling.
Hey guys, I love what you have created so far, but I have been unable to get the cockpit to work.
Are you still actively working on this? It looks fantastic, and it would be such a waste otherwise.
I know a fair few people who would be very interested in your fine work.
Hello Wavehopper,
We are very much still developing, short break but back on it in less than a week.
We will complete the final version 1 for release soon for carrier integration with the F-18, and F-35.
Also working on the carrier versions of Mig/Sukhoi/Chengdu fighters.
Thanks for the compliments!
I have been playing with your files and trying to load them into BMS 4.33 with LOD Editor without any luck. Can this mod be used with 4.33? If so, are there any instructions you can send.
Thanks much for your work on these fantastic models!
We are in the process of getting the models compatible with 4.33, starting with the F-14 here is an update.
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/903/75CaS3.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/p375CaS3p)
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/903/4QjX2e.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/p34QjX2ep)
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/911/FEUhhc.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pbFEUhhcp)
We are sorry for this inconvenience as the latest build of 4.33 changed some small details.
Kind Regards
External Model Working 4.33
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/908/hLdX1z.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/p8hLdX1zp)
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/911/tfU0L1.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pbtfU0L1p)
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/911/2Qp8Zr.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pb2Qp8Zrp)
Wow, looking very artsy guys! :)
Look forward to the models and pits in 4.33. :-*
Cockpit Update Pics, sorry about the size....
External Model Progeress
Hi Nizmo.
Very nice model. Thank you for this great effort.
Update to the F-14:
ACM Panel
Center Stack MFD Panels
Need Map a few things. Update shortly :)
Update for Monday
*ACM Panel
*Pedestal MFD's
*Warning Lights
*Backup Mag Heading
*Master Caution
*Master Arm PNL
*Front Windscreen
Much more planned, update tomorrow.
Last Update today....
Made 90% of the Rudder Pedals, quite happy with the results so far.
Basic Tex Map (90%)
Looking good there! Look forward to the new and old pits.
Looking good there! Look forward to the new and old pits.
Hey Tom!
Much appreciated!
Ya' Welcome mate, for today I depart BMS temporarily until late noon for a beloved modded IL-2 jet Panther/Shooting Star Korea carrier binge.
Some update shots, all is good.
*Full Size
Few things finish up and the F14 will be ready.
-Small Details
Very nice work mate.. :)
F14B Update
-RPM Tape Fix
-Fuel Flow Fix
-Manual VHF/UHF Comm channel
-New Canopy
-Oil PSI Fix
-Hyd. Press. Gauge Needle Fix
-Fixes and Improvements to Tub
-Texture Fixes (Various)